This quiz was generated with the help of ChatGPT. Content was then revised and fact-checked by My Modern Met.
With the untimely passing of Matthew Perry, this quiz, which was written prior to his death, serves as a reminder of the actor's incredible wit and talent. Perry was just 24 when he was cast to play Chandler Bing. His goofy, self-deprecating humor and signature mannerisms would make him one of the sitcom's most lovable characters.
Friends is one of the most beloved sitcoms of all time. The show debuted in 1994 and ran for 10 years, with the world falling in love with this quirky cast of characters as they sipped their coffee at Central Perk. Monica, Rachel, Ross, Joey, Phoebe, and Chandler were a cohesive group, but everyone had their own distinct personality, so it was easy to find someone to relate to.
Which one of these famous friends is most like you? Are you a perfectionist like Monica or a dreamer like Phoebe? Take this fun personality quiz to see which Friends character you really are. And, if you also leave your email address, you'll receive the results in your inbox, along with some fun articles about the crew.
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