Photo: brnmanzurova.gmail.com/Depositphotos (Not a photo of the actual woman or dog.)
Making it to a 100 years old is no easy feat, and as a society, we're lucky that those folks are still with us to share their stories and wisdom with us. But how does one make it that far? Some say it's exercise, others credit a healthy diet. But for Ada Daniel, who lived to be 108 years old, the secret to a long life is to have dogs instead of children.
Daniel lived at a nursing home in Derbyshire, in the UK, where she became well known. An activity coordinator named Kelly Goucher knew her as “definitely a character,” and recalls, a conversation she had with the centenarian: “I did ask her what her secret was once and she said it was to have dogs, not kids.”
Instead of having children, Daniel and her late husband enjoyed the company of their beloved pets. “She had a lot of greyhounds. She lived on Street Lane in Ripley and all of her greyhounds were also called Street Lane,” shared Goucher, offering a glimpse of Daniel's charm. Her dogs contributed to her having an active and healthy lifestyle. She used to enjoy daily walks until she was 97, and didn’t move into a care home until she was 103.
Despite her age, Daniel never let go of the excitement for her birthday, which is on June 1. Before her 105th birthday, the staff of the nursing home she lives in asked for people to send her cards. This call to action was such as success, that they've carried on with the tradition each year. For 2023, Daniel got 300 cards—and an extra special greeting. King Charles and Queen Camilla also congratulated her for her birthday.
Daniel passed away in October 2023, after living a long and beloved life. She will certainly be remembered for her sense of humor and unique personality. While 108 is certainly an impressive number, that's nowhere near the oldest person in the UK. Currently, the record is held by Ethel May Caterham, who was born in 1909, making her 114 years old.
A woman named Ada Daniel lived to be 108 years old, and she had a theory about how she lived such a long life.
For her, the secret to a long life is to have dogs instead of children.

Photo: halfpoint/Depositphotos (Not a photo of the actual woman or dog.)
“She had a lot of greyhounds. She lived on Street Lane in Ripley and all of her greyhounds were also called Street Lane.”

Photo: halfpoint/Depositphotos (Not a photo of the actual woman or dog.)
h/t: [Bored Panda]
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