Photo: GoFundMe
A teacher can change a student's life. However, the reverse is also true. Clayton Guy is an Arizona history teacher, having worked at Arcadia High School in Phoenix since 2004. When his pupils caught wind that their beloved teacher's wife needed life-saving surgery, they quickly rallied around him and helped raise enough money for the procedure.
The students' endeavor began when they noticed a change in Guy's demeanor. The teacher, known for being upbeat and enjoying, became glum. “Overall, Mr. Guy [is] always in a great mood, he brings just a great vibe to the class, and he's always energetic,” Parker Bond, one of his students, told FOX10. “Before we found out about his wife's surgery, probably a week prior, we could all tell that his mood was a little bit lower and down, and we knew something was off.”
Guy revealed that his wife, Angel, needed open heart surgery after doctors discovered a blockage. Even when he took time off from work, his students reached out for updates. “We had to wait until May 11 for surgery, and it was like waiting for a heart attack, waiting for something to go on, and the kids would ask [how she's doing], and the teachers would ask, the school was very supportive, the students were amazing,” Guy said.
Then, the students stepped up again. To help their teacher afford the steep medical bills, they asked for permission to launch a GoFundMe campaign. “I was just honored,” said Guy. “It kind of made me cry. People were so kind.” His wife was thrilled to learn that the students did it all on their own. “They did it without prompting from a teacher or anybody else,” she said.
The campaign already met its $10,000 goal with the help of 144 donors. Many of the helpers were former students of Guy, who shared their loving memories of him, as well as stories of how good of a teacher he is. “Mr. Guy was my teacher my senior year of high school 1997–1998. He genuinely cared for all of his students, even though not all of us were an easy group to handle. He reminded us every day that he cared about our future,” wrote Mary Cueto, one of the donors.
The success of the campaign has brought the community together. “We just need more kind acts, no matter how small it is or how large it is,” said Bond said, one of the students behind the fundraiser. “A teacher like Mr. Guy — who gave so much to us when he was down in a situation like this — was able to receive back because of his kindness and all he did for us.”
When Clayton Guy's pupils caught wind that their beloved teacher's wife needed life-saving surgery, they quickly rallied around him and helped raise enough money for the procedure.
Angel has worked at ASU for 10 years and her first picture with Sparky!!! Go Devils!! pic.twitter.com/X88n4k0zAe
— Clayton Guy (@ClaytonGuy1) August 18, 2022
“A teacher like Mr. Guy — who gave so much to us when he was down in a situation like this — was able to receive back because of his kindness and all he did for us,” said Parker Bond, one of his students.
Angel and I in recovery. She is tired and in pain. Thanks to everyone who has helped, gave kind words and helped with the gofundme. Angel is speechless pic.twitter.com/5idKhYGVGH
— Clayton Guy (@ClaytonGuy1) June 7, 2023
h/t: [FOX10]
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